Business Nudging doesn't give poor people retirement savings, it just makes them poorer Cory Doctorow
class war Lazyweb: build me the Augmented Reality social proof to make charitable giving more effective? Cory Doctorow
trumpism Texas's terrible new abortion regulation is a con aimed at low-information/anti-abortion voters Cory Doctorow
surveillance Reputation Economy Dystopia: China's new "Citizen Scores" will rate every person in the country Cory Doctorow
books Expiration Day: YA coming of age novel about robots and the end of the human race Cory Doctorow
politics Frequent caller to Toronto Mayor Rob Ford's radio show is secretly guy now on the mayor's payroll Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Ken MacLeod's Intrusion: a surveillance and bioscience dystopia with the best of intentions Cory Doctorow