late stage capitalism Labour report on executive pay proposes giving customers a vote on compensation, ending share-based compensation for execs Cory Doctorow
john bolton John Bolton reportedly threatened family of retired Brazilian diplomat in 2002 Mark Frauenfelder
impeachment Oddsmakers in the UK say Trump has a 50/50 shot of being impeached in the next 12 months Mark Frauenfelder
Entertainment Louis C.K. just released a new 'surprise' web show with Alan Alda, Steve Buscemi, Edie Falco Xeni Jardin
News Wisconsin Republican recall drive gathers steam, WI GOP senator leaves his family for a young lobbyist; anti-Dem campaign is led by anonymous, out-of-state anti-immigration activists Cory Doctorow
Science Hedy Lamarr: '30s film diva, mobile phone tech pioneer, anti-Nazi gadget inventor. Xeni Jardin