Comedy writer John Matta has written for numerous comedy, sketch and cartoon shows, but he is most well-known for what he has written on napkins.
Evan Gore -
Evan Gore Every retailer has the right to lower prices to drive interest.
Evan Gore Passover Pesach 2015 Seder Rube Goldberg Machine from Technion in Israel Watch this video on YouTube. Engineering, Architecture and Planning students at Technion–Israel Institute of Technology are remembering the story… Read the rest of the article: Rube Goldberg's Passover Seder
Evan Gore In the Chronicles of Riddick series, a shiner is an outlaw who has undergone eyeshine surgery to give them night vision. That same thing, incredibly, is happening in a garage… Read the rest of the article: Real-life eyeshine surgery trial
Evan Gore You snooze, you lose. You have just missed the chance to bid on, and possibly own, the last car driven by Lee Harvey Oswald, which just sold on ebay.
Evan Gore Yes, you read that right. This video shows a gameboy, connected to a handgun, that when you point and shoot, takes a picture. Which then prints out on a thermal… Read the rest of the article: 8-bit instant photo gun
Evan Gore Watch this video on YouTube. Country songwriter Gregory Todd, a.k.a Sir MashAlot got famous for six songs, all by top Country artists, which he brilliantly cut together into one very… Read the rest of the article: Genius mash-up of 6 Country hits
Evan Gore Ordinarily, the folks over at Family Handyman Magazine are a straight-laced bunch, but their slideshow 20 Secret Hiding Places shows that their practical creativity might be hiding something, such as… Read the rest of the article: 35 Secret hiding places in your home
Evan Gore The mobile market in India is flooded with new phones: three a day last year. Local provider Micromax has a gamble to claim a slice of that.
Evan Gore The Book of Mojo is a webcomic whose creators hope will become an animated series or feature. The main character, Creepy, is an African-American girl with magic powers; and her… Read the rest of the article: A Book of Mojo, on Indiegogo
Evan Gore The internet calls it the golden age of audio podcasts.
Evan Gore Justin Beiber, one-time YouTube star, then chart-topping heart throb, then TMZ regular. Justin Beiber, recently roasted by the cool kids of Comedy Central. And now Justin Beiber, blasted out of… Read the rest of the article: Stop the Belieber Invasion!
Evan Gore In the small southwestern Wisconsin town of Lone Rock, Darren Klingaman makes fantastic painted snow sculptures on his lawn.
Evan Gore When we visited Taipei, my wife and I made it our singular goal to eat at Modern Toilet, even though we knew the bathroom-themed restaurant had caught on and was… Read the rest of the article: You could totally grub down some Poop Bread right now
Evan Gore Being 12: The Year Everything Changes Watch this video on YouTube. New York Public Radio WNYC has launched a new series, Being 12: The Year Everything Changes. The website features… Read the rest of the article: How being 12 years old is like being a toddler again
Evan Gore How do we identify and encourage smart kids? Y'know, like we do with kid athletes? Sue Khim, CEO of, contrasts the U.S. to India, where there are more honor… Read the rest of the article: Looking for smart people at
Evan Gore The story is of a less-than-imaginative man who inherits the workshop of his puppeteer grandfather, and finds himself transported into a magical world of wonders where he will have experiences that blow his little mind.
Evan Gore Online clothing boutique Shinesty wants you to Shine On. Their mission is "to bring you the most outlandish collection of clothing the world has ever seen", and they deliver.
Evan Gore Inventing to Nowhere Documentary Watch this video on YouTube. Comedian, commercial director and documentarian Jordan Brady hosts a great podcast on commercial filmmaking called Respect The Process. He recently interviewed… Read the rest of the article: Is American invention at risk?
Evan Gore A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014) – Official Trailer [HD] Watch this video on YouTube. It's in Farsi, it's beautifully-shot film noir, it has a female lead, and… Read the rest of the article: Yes, an Iranian vampire western film noir