Spider-Man Bolivian brothers let a black widow bite them all in hopes of getting superpowers Thom Dunn
statues The last time a Frederick Douglass statue was vandalized in Rochester, it was because of drunk college kids Thom Dunn
spiders Three young brothers made a black widow spider bite them, hoped to become Spider-Man David Pescovitz
haunted mansion A touring Bolivian orchestra is stranded in a German castle surrounded by 23 packs of wolves Thom Dunn
Technology FBI and DHS's CISA warn China-backed hackers are targeting U.S. COVID-19 research Xeni Jardin
politics Trump is asked, if he loses more Americans in 6 weeks than died in Vietnam War, does he deserve to be re-elected? Xeni Jardin
varsity blues Federal prosecutors release rowing photos Lori Loughlin allegedly used to get daughters into USC Mark Frauenfelder
Science The subreddit r/coronavirus is a pretty great COVID-19 news source with 1.2M+ members Xeni Jardin
Gadgets Ring does not fight crime, say cops in 8 states whose PDs partnered with Amazon-owned home surveillance Xeni Jardin
law Disabled patients in Iowa state-run home used as “guinea pigs” in sexual arousal experiments, lawsuit charges Xeni Jardin
creative writing Take a look at the bogus athletic resume Lori Loughlin concocted to get her daughter into USC Carla Sinclair
tabloids Adjectival overload, and the tabloids finally get one right, in this week’s round-up of the rags Peter Sheridan
tabloids The Queen’s worst nightmare, Prince Andrew jailed, and Royal cosmetic surgery exposed in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
movies Heartwarming story about how Olivia Newton-John got back her iconic Grease leather jacket David Pescovitz