Kids Quiet Rooms: Illinois schools lead the nation in imprisoning very young, disabled children in isolation chambers Cory Doctorow
surveillance Foreigners visiting China are increasingly stumped by its cashless society Cory Doctorow
toys Mattel designed a Barbie doll honoring Eleni Antoniadou's accomplishments, but what are they? John Struan
corruption Leaks reveal that disgraced, hacked surveillance company wrote Republican Congressman's border security talking-points Cory Doctorow
happy mutants SAMBA versus SMB: Adversarial interoperability is judo for network effects Cory Doctorow
No such agency NSA gets caught illegally collecting phone and text data (again), blames telephone companies Mark Frauenfelder
crime That woman who got fired for comparing Michelle Obama to an ape is now going to jail for defrauding FEMA Cory Doctorow
Business Foxconn promised it would do something with the empty buildings it bought in Wisconsin, but they're still empty (still no factory, either) Cory Doctorow
health Dentistry's evidentiary vacuum allows profiteering butchers to raid our mouths for millions Cory Doctorow
trump Malware-packing Chinese lady who hacked her way into Trump's Florida Mar-a-Lago now faces federal charges Xeni Jardin
Business Schadenflying: the super-rich are getting ripped off like crazy on their private jet billings Cory Doctorow
videos AOC's latest Congressional "lightning round game" is the best video CSPAN has ever aired Cory Doctorow
trumpism Kleptocracy in America: Russian-style corruption, driven by global oligarchs, enabled by US elites Cory Doctorow