uk Theresa May coughs through a catastrophic party conference speech plagued by pranks and a crumbling set Cory Doctorow
uk Young Oxford Conservatives leader abuses DMCA to censor reporting of his calling Mandela a "terrorist" Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Dynasties: in-depth reporting on the wealthy, influential political and corporate families that not-so-secretly rule Canada Cory Doctorow
Alien invasion base on the moon, Michael Jackson’s body missing, and Prince Harry’s clash with Trump, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
ukpoli London councils plan to slash benefit payments with an "anti-fraud" system known to have a 20% failure rate Cory Doctorow
amazon Amazon: 'Unlikely' string of events led to Echo recording a family's private chat & sending to some random guy Xeni Jardin
Amazon home assistant recorded and sent private conversation to third party, says Portland woman Rob Beschizza
politics The Atlantic explains why it hired a columnist who wants a quarter of American women put to death Rob Beschizza
Kids UK authors and librarians' open letter to Education Secretary: stop closing school libraries! Cory Doctorow
trumpism Broward County GOP secretary split a female classmate's skull with over 40 claw-hammer blows Cory Doctorow