fashion Bride attains virality by adding pockets to her dress and those of her bridesmaids Cory Doctorow
science fiction Kim Stanley Robinson on how the coronavirus is rewiring our imaginations Gareth Branwyn
books Why are we still treating economics as if it were an empirical science that makes reliable predictions? Cory Doctorow
Business KPMG is in the middle of an unbelievably dirty cheating scandal that keeps on getting uglier Cory Doctorow
law A deep dive into stalkerware's creepy marketing, illegal privacy invasions, and terrible security Cory Doctorow
law Countries with longer copyright terms have access to fewer books (pay attention, Canada!) Cory Doctorow
Democrats Elizabeth Warren proposes holding execs criminally liable for scams and data breaches Cory Doctorow
Business The Curse of Bigness: Tim Wu channels Brandeis on Big Tech (and Big Everything Else) Cory Doctorow
infosec Using information security to explain why disinformation makes autocracies stronger and democracies weaker Cory Doctorow
books Schneier's "Click Here To Kill Everybody pervasive connected devices mean we REALLY can't afford shitty internet policy Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Joi Ito's dissertation, The Practice of Change: using networks, not markets, to solve problems Cory Doctorow
Business The Wall Street Journal on the decade since the crash: inequality, giant banks, regulatory failures, looming catastrophe Cory Doctorow
Business Trump's “free market” FCC loves monopolies, especially when they rip off prisoners' families Cory Doctorow