urban theory One quarter of New Orleans' catch-basins were clogged to uselessness with 93,000 lbs of plastic Mardi Gras beads Cory Doctorow
Disney Disney is reimagining Splash Mountain's racist 'Song of the South' theme. Princess and the Frog will take its place Carla Sinclair
fake news Wacko Jacko “Perv” proof, Queen shafts Prince Charles, and Angie “anorexic” (again) in this week’s fact-challenged tabloids Peter Sheridan
happy mutants Swarm and Nexus: finishing the Zeroes trilogy with perfect form, as powered teens threaten each other — and the world Cory Doctorow
fake news Las Vegas gunman’s hooker, Hillary Clinton’s lies, and Jerry Lewis’s forged will in this week’s tabloids Peter Sheridan
krampus Wilder Mann – people who dress in fur, skins, horns, masks, and creature costumes Bob Knetzger
Entertainment 'After You’ve Gone' sets everything up for True Detective finale [TV recap: season 1, episode 7] K.M. McFarland