makers Make a Game Boy inspired pendant with a miniature display of animated Mario clouds Mark Frauenfelder
happy mutants The Porch of Doom: a Halloween haunt that sends visitors to a billionaires' Mars where they are expected to do all the dirty work Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Aethervision: "newsreels" that recap the week's news using public-domain, pre-1924 footage Cory Doctorow
makers The tactical evolution of #HongKongProtests: bolted-down barricades and calling out businesses Cory Doctorow
Art and Design My new fave Instagram account: miniature models of old Tokyo storefronts Mark Frauenfelder
happy mutants Next-level parenting: crocheting a freehand, glow-in-the-dark Alien Xenomorph kids' costume Cory Doctorow