Video profile of a professional playing card stacker

World's Best Card Stacker Outdoor Card Tower - COOLEST THING I'VE EVER MADE-EP13

World's Best Card Stacker Outdoor Card Tower - COOLEST THING I'VE EVER MADE-EP13 Watch this video on YouTube. Bryan Berg builds elaborate houses of cards. He's so good that he…

Bryan Berg builds elaborate houses of cards. He's so good that he gets paid to do it. According to Guy Georgeson, the creator of the Coolest Thing I've Ever Made YouTube channel, Berg "holds 4 Guinness World Records including world's largest card tower (4000 decks) and world's tallest tower at 26 feet tall." In this video we learn about Berg, get his tips for stacking them, and watch him attempt to build a card tower outdoors, where a light breeze can be devastating.

Image: YouTube