china Chinese jaywalkers are identified and shamed by facial recognition, and now they'll get warnings over text message Cory Doctorow
law Law professors and computer scientists mull whether America's overbroad "hacking" laws ban tricking robots Cory Doctorow
security Invisible, targeted infrared light can fool facial recognition software into thinking anyone is anyone else Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Machine-learning-based image classifier can tell when the bus and bike-lanes are illegally obstructed Cory Doctorow
security Machine learning models keep getting spoofed by adversarial attacks and it's not clear if this can ever be fixed Cory Doctorow
Business Leaked presentation from AI snake-oil salesmen to AAA game company promises horrific, dystopian manipulation of players to drain their wallets Cory Doctorow
videos Reddit shuts down Deepfakes subreddit, home to faceswapped pornography (and some other stuff) Cory Doctorow
web theory Deepfakes has democratized the creation of extremely realistic video faceswapping, especially in porn Cory Doctorow
politics Research report explains how adtech supercharges political deceit, allowing even bumblers to be master propagandists Cory Doctorow
google Two years later, Google solves 'racist algorithm' problem by purging 'gorilla' label from image classifier Cory Doctorow
AI Adversarial examples: attack can imperceptibly alter any sound (or silence), embedding speech that only voice-assistants will hear Cory Doctorow
scholarship Adversarial patches: colorful circles that convince machine-learning vision system to ignore everything else Cory Doctorow
security Researchers trick Google's AI into thinking rifles are helicopters, without any knowledge of the algorithm's design Cory Doctorow