attack ads Anti-Trump Conservative PAC launches a brutal attack ad against Arizona Senator Martha McSally Thom Dunn
elections Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign maintains a page of anti-endorsements: denunciations from billionaire ghouls and their enablers Cory Doctorow
politics But Her Emails: Ivanka Trump used personal email account for messages about her government work Xeni Jardin
book reviews To Read Aloud is a portal straight to that Middle Earth where magic happens Ferdinando Buscema
standing on little people Prankster tricks Jared Kushner's lawyer into believing he had Lego fetish porn on his private server Mark Frauenfelder
Business America's CEOs and hedge funds are starving the nation's corporations to death Cory Doctorow
law How a billionaire GOP rainmaker tried (and failed) to rewrite history by suing Mother Jones Cory Doctorow
politics Guilty plea in Fox News leak case shows why Espionage Act prosecutions are unfair to reporters' sources Trevor Timm