Science Neil deGrasse Tyson on faster-than-light particles (live streamed event starts at 7:30 pm Eastern) Maggie Koerth
Business How Japanese-style business culture applies to today’s new “business normal” Mark Frauenfelder
Gadgets Celebrate the 4th with an Otto professional steak grill for perfectly cooked meat in 10 minutes Boing Boing's Shop
Gadgets Here are 39 of the best July 4th deals to help keep some money in your wallet Boing Boing's Shop
Kinman Dwarf galaxy Massive star 100 times larger than the sun mysteriously disappears Carla Sinclair
donald trump Trump rally youth: 'Aunt Jemima was canceled… She was the picture of the American dream' Xeni Jardin
film "Larry: The Burning Man Story" premieres in three time zones over solstice weekend Rusty Blazenhoff