Regan here is a 2019 graduate of Northwestern State in Louisiana.
Says miss Regan here, at Trump’s event on Tuesday:
“Aunt Jemima was canceled… She was the picture of the American dream. She was a freed slave who went on to be the face of the pancake syrup.”
“Aunt Jemima was canceled… She was the picture of the American dream. She was a freed slave who went on to be the face of the pancake syrup." — A student at Trump’s event on Tuesday
— Peter Wade
(@brooklynmutt) June 24, 2020
From Rolling Stone's Peter Wade.
You never know what sort of racist gobbledygook is gonna splurt out of the mouth of Donald Trump and his human props.
This whole speech has been quite the shitshow.
More from Twitter, below.
Regan here was fired because she posted on FB that her white skin is a gift from God and she didn’t understand why preachers wanted her to apologize for it.
I already KNOW that no one asked her to apologize for being white, but that aside, here’s her take on #AuntJemima. #MAGA
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) June 23, 2020
Sadly, Regan doesn’t realize that HER biggest problem being pancake syrup shows HER privilege.
It’s not MY biggest problem by a mile.
NO ONE I know is marching and protesting during a pandemic over #AuntJemima or pancakes.
But go off, Regan. Go off.
— yvette nicole brown (@YNB) June 24, 2020
So basically , this guest speaker just said Aunt Jemima is a symbol of freed slave. Our proud history, and these mobs are trying to cancel that history. Followed by cheers. #trumparizona #unreal
— 아빠 최고 (@DrunkenTigerJK) June 24, 2020
The TPUSA crowd is now chanting USA! USA! USA! because someone said Aunt Jemima is the American Dream.
— Max Steele (@maxasteele) June 23, 2020
2019 grad of Northwestern State in Louisiana said she was fired after she made an insta video “amidst all this chaos we are seeing with the black lives matter movement.”
She continued: "Aunt Jemima was also canceled…the leftist mob is trying to erase her legacy."— Elizabeth Crisp (@elizabethcrisp) June 24, 2020
Wow, now we’re hearing from a young lady who lost her job because of a video about “how disappointed [she was] in the church's reaction to the Black Lives Matter movement.”
She’s now complaining about Quaker Foods changing the name of Aunt Jemima syrup.
— Andrew Feinberg (@AndrewFeinberg) June 23, 2020
A student brought up on stage by Trump in Arizona says "the original first Aunt Jemima was the picture of the American dream."
"She was a freed slave who went on to be the face of the pancake syrup."
— Will Steakin (@wsteaks) June 23, 2020
There's a student speaking alongside President Trump right now at his event decrying the cancelation of Aunt Jemima
— Kevin Liptak (@Kevinliptakcnn) June 23, 2020