Business Pepsi is suing four Indian farmers for growing a proprietary "Lays" potato, seeking $150,000 each in damages Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Houseplant patent EULA: "Asexual reproduction using scions, buds or cutting is strictly prohibited" Cory Doctorow
Science After two months of investigation, GMO wheat mystery even more mysterious than before Maggie Koerth
Science Authors of study linking GM corn with rat tumors manipulated media to prevent criticism of their work Maggie Koerth
Environment Organic cotton shopping bags have to be used 20,000 times before they're better for the Earth than plastic disposables Cory Doctorow
Annalee Newitz's Autonomous: a robosexual romp through an unequal future where biotech patent-enforcement is the only law Cory Doctorow
Business Monsanto's lawyers forgot to ask a court to suppress damning evidence about cancer and corrupt science Cory Doctorow
twitter Nassim Taleb defends homeopathy (and calls me “very stupid” for criticizing him) Cory Doctorow