happy mutants Samuel Delany's 1977 Star Wars review: why is the future so damned white and male? Cory Doctorow
tabloids Hollywood hypocrites tearing America apart and rioters battling to destroy the United States, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Gadgets Access 200+ lectures from Malcom Gladwell, Chris Hadfield, Elon Musk, and more Boing Boing's Shop
grifters George Zimmerman is suing Trayvon Martin's mother for $100M in order to promote a movie Thom Dunn
happy mutants Sleuthing from public sources to figure out how the Hateful Eight leaker was caught Cory Doctorow
fake news Queen in drunken brawl, Prince Harry’s hell, and Meghan Markle’s secrets, in this week’s dubious Royal tabloids Peter Sheridan
computer science The history of a Zorklike programming interpreter is a tale of language, art, code and literature Cory Doctorow
happy mutants At the Golden-Calf Slaughterhouse: an interview with Johannes Grenzfurthner Thomas Kaestle