tabloids Princess Diana’s killer found (yet again) and Epstein scandal blackmail, in this week’s dubious tabloids. Peter Sheridan
surveillance Hong Kong's #612strike protest movement: a million strong, leaderless, wireless and smart as hell Cory Doctorow
wikipedia Can Everipedia remake collaborative encyclopedias to be inclusive and enjoyable? Andrea James
History Misleading on Marriage: how gay marriage opponents twist history to suit their agenda Lisa L. Spangenberg
happy mutants Exclusive excerpt: chapter 3 of Mur Lafferty's "Ghost Train to New Orleans" [Urban fantasy] Mur Lafferty
Entertainment True Detective ends its first season as it began: with two indelible performances [Recap: season 1, episode 8] K.M. McFarland
Entertainment Justified cools off with an episode that moves in circles [Recap: season 5, episode 6] K.M. McFarland