politics Germany, France and the UK are moving the EU to continuous, unaccountable, warrantless mass surveillance Cory Doctorow
uk Uber's VAT-avoidance means it owes millions to EU states and will face huge cuts to future EU profits Cory Doctorow
class war France's next President could be an Islamophobic "Thatcherite" who wants to dismantle the social safety net Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Digital Defenders: a free open-licensed booklet for kids about privacy and crypto Cory Doctorow
politics Hungary's Prime Minister shuts down opposition press, then goes after everyone else Cory Doctorow
uk Would-be Ukip leader hospitalised following "altercation" ("punched by a colleague") Cory Doctorow
law Execs with long coporate crime rapsheets stand up for Apple's tax evasion and "the rule of law" Cory Doctorow
Copyfight European Commission wants to break the web, give publishers the right to charge for inbound links Cory Doctorow
happy mutants UK/EU security researchers: tax-free stipend to study privacy and authentication Cory Doctorow
corruption Brexit is a victory for mass surveillance; EU rules Snoopers Charter is illegal Cory Doctorow