Call for speakers: Copycamp Poland, on the future of European copyright

Marta sez, "The Modern Poland Foundation is calling for speakers at the 5th International CopyCamp Conference (Warsaw 27-28th October 2016) to discuss the Future of Copyright in Europe. If you'd…

Marta sez, "The Modern Poland Foundation is calling for speakers at the 5th International CopyCamp Conference (Warsaw 27-28th October 2016) to discuss the Future of Copyright in Europe. If you'd like to join the debate on the impact copyright has and will have on education, politics, culture and society, send us your proposal and meet with other speakers from all over the world: lawyers, artists, politicians, academics, representatives of NGOS and the media."

It's the fifth time CopyCamp gives floor to all interested parties to talk about copyright in the friendly space of the popular movie theatre in the heart of Warsaw.

Thematic tracks of CopyCamp 2016:

Copyright and Art

Remuneration Models

Copyright, Education and Science

Technologies, Innovation and Copyright

Copyright and Human Rights

Copyright Enforcement

Copyright Debate

Copyright Lawmaking

Find more information here. If you are interested in presenting your viewpoint during a 10-minute talk, please send us an abstract of not more than 1800 characters by 31 July.

The International CopyCamp Conference 2016
Future of Copyright in Europe