tabloids Royals Clash, Clooneys divorce, and Jacko’s rotten feet in this week’s fact-challenged tabloids Peter Sheridan
israel Jared Kushner says Palestinians screw-up every opportunity they've ever had, in celebration of a proposed two-state deal that he left them out of Thom Dunn
Technology China: Unsecured facial recognition database leaks, thousands of kids from 20 schools, half are majority Tibetan areas Xeni Jardin
russia 26-year-old Israeli-American sentenced to 7.5 years in Russian prison for 9 grams of weed Mark Frauenfelder
happy mutants The Sacklers come to Sesame Street as a muppet is revealed to have had an addicted mother Cory Doctorow
politics Trump pre-empts Israel's ban on Dem congresswomen with tweet implying he made them do it Rob Beschizza
security Autonomous vehicles fooled by drones that project too-quick-for-humans road-signs Cory Doctorow