Business Oregon employers warn that the state has run out of workers who can pass a drug test Cory Doctorow
Science Germany's scientific texts were made free during and after WWII; analyzing them today shows the negative effect of paywalls on science Cory Doctorow
scholarship Facebook is worth much less to its users than search and email, but it keeps a larger share of the value Cory Doctorow
corruption George Mason economics department admits it sold hiring control to anonymous, super-rich donors Cory Doctorow
History Forced prison labor put downward pressure on wages at American companies, worsening inequality Cory Doctorow
facebook The Peltzman model: a way to understand the kind of regulation Facebook might face from Congress Cory Doctorow
History Public goods are REALLY good: thousands of years later, the Roman roads are still paying dividends Cory Doctorow
Business The first-ever rigorous quantitative study of US artistic revenue from internet indies: 14.8M Americans earned $5.9B in 2016 Cory Doctorow
books Charles Stross's "Dark State": transdimensional, nuclear-tipped mutually assured destruction by way of a first-rate spy novel Cory Doctorow
Copyfight After industry adopts open video standards, MPEG founder says the end is nigh Cory Doctorow
Business The Financial Times's 404 page is an ingenious, hilarious introduction to major concepts in economic theory Cory Doctorow
class war The world's richest 2000 billionaires could wipe out extreme poverty with one seventh of what they gained last year Cory Doctorow