Environment Organic cotton shopping bags have to be used 20,000 times before they're better for the Earth than plastic disposables Cory Doctorow
Business Denmark's largest bank laundered €200B through its Estonian branch, ignoring glaring warning signs Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Danish anti-piracy lawyers stole millions from their clients, sentenced to years in prison Cory Doctorow
Food Climate change has created massive blooms of ecologically disruptive jellyfish, but luckily they're delicious Cory Doctorow
corruption Danish government let America's Snowden-kidnapping jet camp out in Copenhagen Cory Doctorow
corruption Chinese censor prosecuted for taking bribes to censor remarks companies and government officials disliked Cory Doctorow
Business Danish travel company offers "ovulation discount" for couples, rewards if you conceive on holiday Cory Doctorow