Karen alert! Karen who can't believe she has to wear a mask to enter a supermarket confronts store manager Carla Sinclair
Enjoy this Star Trek fan's delightful "Ode to Spock" recorded after the Vulcan's film death in 1982 David Pescovitz
labor Supreme Court greenlights lawsuit over Amazon's wage-theft from warehouse workers Cory Doctorow
health People with diabetes are scouring the internet for a discontinued insulin pump that can be reprogrammed as an "artificial pancreas" Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Court case seeks to clarify that photographers don't need permission to publish pictures that incidentally capture public works of art Cory Doctorow
Smiling like she just crushed a kids dreams Watch Betsy DeVos smirk and smile as she ignores questions about her attempt to gut the Special Olympics Jason Weisberger
transparency How the payday loan industry laundered policy by paying academics to write papers that supported its positions Cory Doctorow
fake news Princess Di’s killer, Burt Reynolds is a killer, and a killer milkshake, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
books The Fifth Risk: Michael Lewis explains how the "deep state" is just nerds versus grifters Cory Doctorow
san francisco Beloved 94-year-old teacher visits her (now-adult) students in her old classroom Rusty Blazenhoff
wildlife Raccoon climbs up side of skyscraper as world watches with bated breath, then is captured and released to wild Rusty Blazenhoff