climate change Republicans get billions of dollars in public funding to fight climate change by pretending that it isn't real Thom Dunn
politics Canadian "protesters" at Huawei extradition hearing say they were tricked, thought they were in a music video Cory Doctorow
Funny Watch this funny and curiously compelling Bad Lip Reading spin-off of Stranger Things David Pescovitz
futility closet Frances Glessner Lee created miniature death scenes to train investigators in the 1940s Futility Closet
happy mutants The First Scarfolk Annual: a mysterious artifact from a curiously familiar eternal grimdark 1970s Cory Doctorow
Business Arbitrage nomads are stripping the carcasses of America's dying big-box stores and moving the choicest morsels into Amazon warehouses Cory Doctorow
science fiction Exclusive excerpt of Rudy Rucker's new novel: Million Mile Road Trip Mark Frauenfelder