Cartoonist Richard Sala (1955 – 2020)

The cartoonist Richard Sala passed away this week at the age of 61. I always loved his work and own many of his comic books. Cartoonist Daniel Clowes wrote a…

The cartoonist Richard Sala passed away this week at the age of 61. I always loved his work and own many of his comic books.

Cartoonist Daniel Clowes wrote a beautiful tribute to his friend, Richard Sala:

Richard was a very complicated guy, totally unlike anyone I've ever met. He could be gregarious and charming, always energetic and animated in conversation, but also crippled by terrible anxiety and profoundly agoraphobic. Over the years, it got harder and harder to get him out of the house. I basically forced him to meet me for lunch every Friday, and we did that right up until the COVID quarantine, but toward the end, that was the extent of his social life (except for the vast hours he spent online — a true lifeline). He would always show up five minutes late, furious about traffic, wearing a thick, black work shirt and his famous bucket hat, which curiously covered a full head of thick hair. He would close his eyes tight while ordering, as though trying to solve a complicated math equation, and then chop his ham and eggs into weird goulash, which he never finished.

Images: Richard Sala