corruption Florida prosecutor who bumbled George Zimmerman trial is really good at putting children in adult prisons for life Cory Doctorow
corruption Woman sues cops because they destroyed her empty house, thinking a suspect was hiding in it Cory Doctorow
videos Candid Republican operators admit that voter ID laws are about disenfranchisement Cory Doctorow
corruption UC Davis Chancellor spent $400K+ to scrub her online reputation after pepper-spray incident Cory Doctorow
politics Anti-corruption candidate challenges opponent's billionaire backer to a debate Cory Doctorow
corruption After New Zealand spooks misidentified pro-democracy activist, NSA spied on him for them Cory Doctorow
corruption Private prison contractor's $1B no-bid deal to run immigration jails guarantees 100% occupancy payouts Cory Doctorow
corruption If the 2016 election is hacked, it's because no one listened to these people Cory Doctorow
corruption DEA bribes rail/airline employees for tipoffs that lead to warrantless cash seizures Cory Doctorow
corruption Court rules that FCC can't force states to repeal laws banning municipal ISPs Cory Doctorow
politics NRA is spending $3m on pro-Trump ad that says Clinton "will leave you defenseless" Cory Doctorow
Science Mysterious medical research consortium: we should own volunteers' clinical trial data for 5 years Cory Doctorow
corruption Return of Dieselgate: 3 more hidden programs found in VW Audi/Porsche firmware Cory Doctorow