Anti-corruption candidate challenges opponent's billionaire backer to a debate

Zephyr Teachout (previously) is the anti-corruption candidate in New York's Hudson Valley who raised more than $500K from small-money, Bernie-Sanders-style donors (I was one of them); then vulture fund billionaire Paul Singer gave $500K to the PAC for John Faso, her Republican opponent, catapulting him into contendership.

Now, in a pointed move that speaks volumes about the way that writing a check like that gives one-percenters the ability to control elected officials, Teachout has challenged Singer (rather than Faso) to a debate. After all, if he's buying a candidate, he's the one whom Teachout is really running against.

“This is very serious,” Teachout says in the ad. “Paul Singer, I challenge you to come here and have a debate with me … I think the people of the 19th District deserve to hear your actual voice when you’re putting so much money into trying to buy up representation.”

This Democrat Isn't Challenging Her Opponent To A Debate. She's Challenging A Donor To His Super PAC.
[Zach Carter]