Gadgets Nobody’s bathroom is great, even your own. The Happy Sit Kit can help you fight the good fight. Boing Boing's Shop
politics CDC may ground flights if airlines fail to collect data on coronavirus-prone flyers Xeni Jardin
copyright A federal judge declared that a famous song about public property is still private property Thom Dunn
tabloids Predator priests, Game of Thrones, and why Italians don’t use Viagra, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
happy mutants A Public Service: a comprehensive, comprehensible guide to leaking documents to journalists and public service groups without getting caught Cory Doctorow
happy mutant I chatted with Danny Elfman about his new MasterClass, and his ventriloquist dummy "Buddy" Rusty Blazenhoff
Journalism Northwestern journalism students wrote something dumb. The freakout around it is even dumber. Thom Dunn