Business Uber pretended its drivers were contractors, and now it owes New Jersey $650m in employment tax Cory Doctorow
tabloids America set to be nuked, anarchy in the US, and the men who knew too much, in this week’s dubious tabloids Peter Sheridan
Science A Scheme of Heaven is a deep investigation of astrology from a scientist’s perspective Ferdinando Buscema
sponsored It's Time for Silicon Valley To Finish Its Job of Disrupting the Racist Drug War Boing Boing
racism The US military is allegedly investigating the cause of racial disparities in the US military Thom Dunn
poetry "Engage in the long, faithful work,” a beautiful graphic poem about learning anti-racism Thom Dunn
Science Fauci: US government announced funding of three vaccine trials, on track for scale by end of the year/early 2021 David Pescovitz
Business Reddit to honor Ohanian's request to appoint Black director, and address anti-Black hate Xeni Jardin
facebook Over 30 ex-Facebook employees slam Zuckerberg's inaction on harmful political posts in open letter Carla Sinclair
Science Fauci expects COVID-19 vaccine by end of the year, 100 million doses to be ready in the US David Pescovitz