alt-right A former InfoWars employee describes Alex Jones' bizarre and dangerous behavior Mark Frauenfelder
alt-right exemplars Grand jury declines to indict two people accused of assaulting a man for wearing a MAGA hat Mark Frauenfelder
mistakes Oregon cop "cleared" after flashing white power sign at right-wing demonstrators Rob Beschizza
white supremacists Noted white nationalist and guy who got punched in the face Richard Spencer is "financially crippled" from lawsuit Thom Dunn
Business More reporting links Clearview AI to Trump-aligned racists, neo-Nazis, and alt-right trolls Xeni Jardin
alt-right The Alt-Right's White Nationalist Poster Boy is very upset about US interference in Iran Thom Dunn
police A bunch of rookie cops have recently been fired for doing bad things. Let's think about that for a moment. Thom Dunn
nazis Leaked audio allegedly captures racist tirade by Nazi media darling Richard Spencer Rob Beschizza
police Boston cops clocked 9,000 hours of overtime at the "Straight Pride" parade — and none of it with body cams Thom Dunn