Copyfight Building a high-performance cluster of Gameboy emulators to teach computers to play video games Cory Doctorow
happy mutants The third annual AI Now report: 10 more ways to make AI safe for human flourishing Cory Doctorow
china Chinese AI traffic cam mistook a bus ad for a human and publicly shamed the CEO it depicted for jaywalking Cory Doctorow
racism Machine learning hucksters invent an AI racist uncle that predicts your personality from your facial bone structure Cory Doctorow
computer science What's missing from machine learning research: an East African perspective Cory Doctorow
Gadgets Generative adversarial network produces a "universal fingerprint" that will unlock many smartphones Cory Doctorow
security Researchers claim to have permanently neutralized ad-blocking's most promising weapons Cory Doctorow
class war Kenyans from "the toughest neighborhood on earth" trace pixels all day to train autonomous vehicles Cory Doctorow
art This AI-generated portrait just sold at auction for $432K, but not without controversy Rusty Blazenhoff