corruption South Carolina's magistrate judges are a clown-car of corrupt cronies, but they get to put people in jail Cory Doctorow
happy mutants Fascinating, accessible guide to cryptographic attacks, from brute-force to POODLE and beyond Cory Doctorow
Copyfight Make the internet better by empowering users, not by demanding that platforms implement automated filters Cory Doctorow
Business New York Times profiles a sleazy Twitter follower-farm, the sleazy serial liar who made millions on it, and the celebs, politicians, sports figures and "influencers" who paid him Cory Doctorow
politics The DNC picked a bunch of sleazy lobbyists as superdelegates, can't figure out why no one is donating Cory Doctorow
Business Networks hide badly rated shows by misspelling their names in Nielsen submissions Cory Doctorow
movies Meet the scientific storytellers who can make the public afraid of anything—for a price Ethan Gilsdorf