flowers Do you have trouble keeping your plants alive? Try this Atreyu and Artax flower pot set. Thom Dunn
Enjoy this Star Trek fan's delightful "Ode to Spock" recorded after the Vulcan's film death in 1982 David Pescovitz
happy mutants The Black Ghost: superhero noir comic starring an antiestablishment vigilante and a hacktivist sidekick Alex Segura and Monica Gallagher
tv Gaze upon the disturbing Zuckerberg and Trump puppets from the new incarnation of 80's series Spitting Image John Struan
music Celebrate Independence Day with Cordell Jackson, the "Rock n Roll Granny" a psychobilly pioneer who played until she was 81 Cory Doctorow
long beach freeway firestone exit Southern California auto dealerships had awesome jingles in the 80s Jason Weisberger