Your 80's nostalgia merch just got Precious

It’s nearly impossible to go anywhere these days without tripping over a Funko Pop. The vinyl toys have taken the pop culture world by storm, with characters ranging from Star…

It’s nearly impossible to go anywhere these days without tripping over a Funko Pop. The vinyl toys have taken the pop culture world by storm, with characters ranging from Star Wars and Game of Thrones to Rick and Morty and RuPaul’s Drag Race. They’ve been referred to as “Precious Moments for Generation X,” and there could be some truth to that. Like Jason’s purchase of a single Mr. Rogers Pop, I once purchased a single Pop of Jax Teller from Sons of Anarchy, with the intention of never buying any others.

300+ Pops later…

With all the madness surrounding Funko, Precious Moments decided it didn’t want to be left out of the nostalgia game. You remember what the figurines look like, right? Those sugary cute pastel colored ceramic figurines of little kids and old couples? Well, these figurines are coming straight out of Saturday detention. Cue Simple Minds.

My first reaction when I saw this was to feel very old. After all, The Breakfast Club is one of the defining movies of my adolescence, which doesn't feel that freaking long ago. The second was to see if I had any extra shelf space. Precious Moments also offers a set of Princess Bride characters and one of Marty McFly from Back to the Future. A Golden Girls set is rumored to be in the design stages. And speaking of the Golden Girls, the merchandise license to the 80’s NBC comedy is red hot right now. Just over the past few months, we’ve seen Golden Girls Monopoly, Clue, Trivial Pursuit, Funko Pops and Dorbz, t-shirts and even hot sauce. 

And then there’s this, arriving on shelves just in time for the holidays.

Is it just me or does Dorothy look like Phil Spector?

[Images: Bradford Exchange/Geekologie]