Following an extended wrangle, our distinguished panel of judges has settled on a winner for the Undying love in ≤150 characters competition: Misery4Brett, comment #39. Misery's entry, which Shapeways will… Read the rest of the article: Undying love in ≤150 characters: the contest results
Teresa Nielsen Hayden -
Teresa Nielsen Hayden This contest ends at midnight-sharp GMT this coming Sunday, four days from now. I know our contests and games usually run longer than that, but the Sunday deadline is necessary… Read the rest of the article: A contest: Undying love in ≤150 characters
Teresa Nielsen Hayden On guest blogger Gareth Branwyn's My Wallet Just Got Raptured thread, we have Meowfaceman, comment 12: My reaction: Man, that's ridiculous. Let me look at these — holy shit, does… Read the rest of the article: Meowfaceman is seduced by the guitar pick carrier
Teresa Nielsen Hayden Modusoperandi, responding to markmarkmark in the Attenborough's response to creationists' hate mail thread, said: markmarkmark "Jesus is my rabbi and all that is best in me is him and every… Read the rest of the article: A comment from Modusoperandi
Teresa Nielsen Hayden We promised there'd be more games and contests, so here we are again. We're planning to run at least one a week. Naturally, your ideas and suggestions are welcome. Here's… Read the rest of the article: More games: Summarize the year
Teresa Nielsen Hayden The poetry competition announced in We can has games has been a huge success. We must have more of these, and soon. The game this time was to write verse… Read the rest of the article: Poetry goes Boing!
Teresa Nielsen Hayden Down in the south end of the Metal detectorist's mysterious find thread, we've been kicking around the idea of running games in the comment threads. We've even played some short… Read the rest of the article: We can has games
Teresa Nielsen Hayden A housekeeping note: Our assistant moderator Antinous has noticed an increasing number of legit comments getting caught in the spam trap. Previously, it was only catching an innocent comment about… Read the rest of the article: Overaggressive spam filter
Teresa Nielsen Hayden Update, 07-21-2008: A related wrap-up post was published on Boing Boing on July 18: Lessons Learned. Speaking for all the Boingers– Boing Boing has been caught in the middle of… Read the rest of the article: That Violet Blue thing
Teresa Nielsen Hayden We think we've fixed the problem that interferes with posting comments, and gives would-be commenters an error message that says: Your comment submission failed for the following reasons:Text entered was… Read the rest of the article: Fixing the "Text entered was wrong" bug
Teresa Nielsen Hayden Adam Rice and Phillip Lamb were both unable to comment, so they sent me letters. ADAM RICE: I hope you're the right person to contact; if not, my apologies. We… Read the rest of the article: Good comments: Adam Rice and Phillip Lamb, on their technical problems
Teresa Nielsen Hayden Mott tells a story in the comment thread on Adoption and corruption: human trafficking busts in Guatemala. For those of you (and I count a couple among the posters here)… Read the rest of the article: Good Comment: Mott, on child abduction and trafficking in Guatemala
Teresa Nielsen Hayden Our moderation policy was revised in October 2009. Read the new version. This version is deprecated. Q. Why does Boing Boing have to have a moderator? A. First answer: Because… Read the rest of the article: Boing Boing's Moderation Policy (Archived)
Teresa Nielsen Hayden There's a good discussion revving up in the comment thread of Mark Frauenfelder's entry, Documentary examines possibility of US dollar collapse. The first major salvo came from Cowicide, twenty comments… Read the rest of the article: Good comment thread: What's happened to the U.S. economy?
Teresa Nielsen Hayden Note: From time to time we're going to be promoting especially wonderful comments (for all values of "wonderful") to the front page. This is Pipenta in "The science fiction book… Read the rest of the article: Good comment: Pipenta, on artists and drugs