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Reanna Alder See how the rest of the world lives, organized by income | Anna Rosling Rönnlund Watch this video on YouTube. Anna Rosling Rönnlund, co-founder of the Gapminder Foundation, asked Swedish… Read the rest of the article: Find out where you fit on the global income spectrum
Reanna Alder What follows is the most mind-altering first chapter I've read in a long time, from biomechanist Katy Bowman’s latest book Movement Matters: Essays on movement science, movement ecology, and the nature… Read the rest of the article: Your body has been outsourced
Reanna Alder Use a balloon and ping pong ball to show how the cervix thins and dilates during labor Watch this video on YouTube. If you only watch one childbirth video in… Read the rest of the article: How babies get here
Reanna Alder Photographer and 21-year playa veteran Phillippe Glade saved me about a grand for a ticket (plus expenses and brain damage) with this beautiful, cloth-covered photo book surveying the domestic and… Read the rest of the article: Black Rock City, NV: The New Ephemeral Architecture of Burning Man by Philippe Glade
Reanna Alder There’s a scene in the movie Samsara (2001): a young monk is struggling to focus on his meditation, and an older monk shows him some erotic scrolls. When he holds… Read the rest of the article: The terrible power of plastic is that it quickly becomes useless but never goes away
Reanna Alder About the bestselling book Move Your DNA Watch this video on YouTube. Biomechanist Katy Bowman uses the metaphor of nutrients – and nutritious movement vs. junk food movement – to… Read the rest of the article: Are your cells sedentary?
Reanna Alder Lisa Wade is the author of American Hookup: The New Culture of Sex on Campus. Shankar Vedantam interviewed her on a recent episode of the Hidden Brain, and her assessment… Read the rest of the article: Is hooking up feminist?
Reanna Alder The Longest Shortest Time is an excellent storytelling podcast about parents and kids. They’ve recently made two episodes aimed at helping white parents figure out how talk to kids about… Read the rest of the article: How to avoid (accidentally) raising a racist kid
Reanna Alder Calling a gas-powered engine an “off grid” technology is like “unplugging” from the internet by using cellular data instead of an ethernet cable.
Reanna Alder There’s a move to redefine “homesteading” in a way that makes it available to anyone who wants to take part. But what does it mean to homestead in the desert? By Reanna Alder
Reanna Alder Last weekend, Janica and Joel picked up six roadkill raccoons and a feral cat on a round-trip to Courtenay. It was Thanksgiving weekend. They made raccoon burgers, served the cat up stuffed, and tucked the rest away in the freezer. By Reanna Alder
Reanna Alder A micro-review, in bullet points: 1. Almost 150 quilts you won’t find on Pinterest. 2. The essays are good. 3. When seeking visual pleasure and inspiration, a curated and finite… Read the rest of the article: Almost 150 quilts you won’t find on Pinterest