There’s often a logical disconnect between stories and the world they purport to represent in the tabloids, and this week’s offerings are no exception.
Peter Sheridan -
Peter Sheridan Like sands through an hourglass are the days of Royal lives, as this week’s tabloids continue the gripping saga of the bold and the beautiful behind palace doors.
Peter Sheridan Harry Arnold, the legendary Royal reporter for British tabloid ‘The Sun,’ used to tell the story of his meeting with Prince Charles, in which the Royal heir asked incredulously: “Where… Read the rest of the article: Bigfoot sighted, the Queen’s $1 trillion tax bill, and coronavirus targets the stars, in this week’s dubious tabloids
Peter Sheridan Sexually abusive clergy vie with celebrities in this week’s tawdry tabloids.
Peter Sheridan Bait-and-switch headlines dominate this week’s tabloids, with stories failing to live up to their advertised salacious promise.
Peter Sheridan It’s ’The Sound & The Fury' over at Buckingham Palace these days in more ways than one, as Britain’s royals all have differing perspectives on “Megxit,” while it’s Christmas and July 4th wrapped into one for this week's tabloids.
Peter Sheridan Each celebrity has a tabloid quintessence as distinctive as a fingerprint: a pithy descriptor that distills their intrinsic scandal-value for those whose idea of journalism begins and ends at the supermarket check-out.
Peter Sheridan The new decade has brought some remarkable changes to the enlightened, kinder and gentler tabloids.
Peter Sheridan T’is the season when the tabloids look into the future to forecast what lies ahead for a scandal-filled 2020 – and when are they ever wrong?
Peter Sheridan The phrase “You couldn’t make this shit up” clearly hasn’t reached the corridors of power at the tabloids, where they can, and do.
Peter Sheridan The Royal soap opera continues apace in this week’s tawdry tabloids, increasingly untethered from reality.
Peter Sheridan The British Royal Family is a blank canvas on which the tabloids feel free to paint whatever sordid soap operatic scandals they care to invent.
Peter Sheridan Hyperbole runs amok in this week’s tabloids, taking implausibility to new levels.
Peter Sheridan There’s breaking news, fake news, a news flash, even news you can use, but they all supposedly share one attribute: their information is new.
Peter Sheridan Russell Crowe is an apt metaphor for this week’s tabloids.
Peter Sheridan The misogyny and male-centric myopia that lurks barely beneath the surface of the tabloids is proudly strutting its stuff again this week.
Peter Sheridan Who are you going to believe: this week’s tabloids, or the evidence of your own eyes?
Peter Sheridan Where would the tabloids be without the British Royal Family?
Peter Sheridan Burning Man announced that its theme for 2020 is The Multiverse, which seems appropriate for this week’s crop of truth-defying tabloids, which in an infinite number of possible universes might actually be accurate in one of them.
Peter Sheridan Assuming facts not in evidence is a time-honored courtroom objection, and one which could be stamped on almost every page of this week’s tawdry tabloids.