Forming somewhere between old English to the modern uncanny, weirdness is its own language. Erik Davis offers a brief etymological look at weird, the word, and the place where it lurks in our imagination.

Forming somewhere between old English to the modern uncanny, weirdness is its own language. Erik Davis offers a brief etymological look at weird, the word, and the place where it lurks in our imagination.
Erik Davis hits the high notes of 60s Jesus freak psychedelia.
Mind Blowing Movies: World on a Wire (1973), by Erik Davis [Video Link] When you think about movies that blew your mind, you often think about flicks you saw when… Read the rest of the article: Mind Blowing Movies: World on a Wire (1973), by Erik Davis
I first read Robert Anton Wilson in 1985, which also happened to be my Weirdest Summer Ever. After freshman year at college back East, I went to Berkeley and lived… Read the rest of the article: RAW Week: My Weirdest Summer Ever, by Erik Davis