A HISTORY It began, as all things do, with a geology joke. We ranked candy based on their location in various geological strata, both real and imagined. The strata, not… Read the rest of the article: The 2019 Halloween Candy Hierarchy

A HISTORY It began, as all things do, with a geology joke. We ranked candy based on their location in various geological strata, both real and imagined. The strata, not… Read the rest of the article: The 2019 Halloween Candy Hierarchy
Click to view the below full-size; or download as a a high-quality digital poster (4MB) for detailed scrutiny; or proceed for the plain text, abstract and analysis… Note that data… Read the rest of the article: The 2017 Halloween Candy Hierarchy: Definitely Not Fake News
Remember last year? Remember the above figure (direct link), where all was laid out? This is how SCIENCE ranks your Halloween haul. Kit Kat and actual cash at the top,… Read the rest of the article: Vote for the best Halloween candies, for science
The results of our survey are in. This year's list of the most loved and hated Halloween treats has a surprise in store!
With so many costumes adorning this election season, you might think the Halloween get-ups are overkill. Think again, because David Ng and B.R. Cohen are here to present the official universal survey about your candy favorites for the 2016 hierarchical delineation of candy virtue.
(View this graphic as a huge PDF) ABSTRACT It’s always about the candy. The Candy Hierarchy is full up with this “joy induction” measurement, this thing that the co-principle investigators… Read the rest of the article: The Candy Hierarchy 2015: your essential guide to Halloween treats
This is the real reason we dress up like zombies and giant bottles of catsup. David Ng and B.R. Cohen present a survey to determine your favorites in anticipation of this year's all-important hierarchical delineation of candy goodness.
David Ng and Ben Cohen performed acts of science (realistic ones) in order to determine, once and for all, a true and empirical understanding of which Halloween candies induce the most joy and despair. With more than 40,000 of your votes duly recorded, the results below are indisputably unassailable.
This is the real reason we dress up like zombies giant bottles of catsup. David Ng and Ben Cohen present a survey to determine your favorites in anticipation of this year's all-important hierarchical delineation of candy goodness.
This year's Candy Hierarchy provides gentle but firm instruction for your confectionary purchases this Hallowe'en, and serves doubly as a means to evaluate the success of one's own haul of treats. Updated and newly annotated by the authors, this is the indispensable guide to a successful All Hallow's Eve.