If you want to succeed in publishing, write a biography of an American president. They sell. If you want to succeed in visual art, draw a portrait of an American… Read the rest of the article: Portraits of every U.S. vice president in history but with an octopus on their head
Colin Marshall -
Colin Marshall An "ecstatic and personal exploration—in loopy, gross-out comic form—of the essence of faith in cosmic religious vision itself."
Colin Marshall Watch this video on YouTube. I've never considered Portland a dangerous place. But in the film A Day Called X, it becomes the most dangerous place on Earth one day… Read the rest of the article: A Day Called X: Nuclear doomsday comes to Portland in 1957 CBS TV movie
Colin Marshall The once anonymous Pulitzer-winning food critic of Los Angeles is anonymous no more.
Colin Marshall "Yasujiro Ozu, the man whom his kinsmen consider the most Japanese of all film directors, had but one major subject, the Japanese family," writes Donald Richie in his definitive study… Read the rest of the article: A Hypnotic Supercut of Passageways in Yasujirō Ozu Movies
Colin Marshall Close Personal Friend Watch this video on YouTube. If you're a fan of Boing Boing, chances are you dig Douglas Coupland. His literary, visual, and technological interests are highly compatible… Read the rest of the article: Close Personal Friend: A '90s Music Video-Style Profile of Douglas Coupland
Colin Marshall When I started learning Korean, I couldn't find new Korean movies easily, let alone classic ones. This online archive makes that much easier now.
Colin Marshall Angelenos, rejoice: we live in a much less smoggy, crime-obsessed, and fragmented city than the one in this program.
Colin Marshall This video tour of the martial arts film star's dense hometown hits many of Hong Kong's hotspots, and reveals more about who Jackie Chan the man.
Colin Marshall Your new rare groove obsession. You're welcome.