2019 started off with a rather interesting tweet from Elon Musk. He was showing off the "Starship test flight rocket" from SpaceX. This thing evokes a strong bit of imagery… Read the rest of the article: Sci-Fi Sundays: Analog, December 1962

2019 started off with a rather interesting tweet from Elon Musk. He was showing off the "Starship test flight rocket" from SpaceX. This thing evokes a strong bit of imagery… Read the rest of the article: Sci-Fi Sundays: Analog, December 1962
This cover illustration may not be striking enough to pull your attention from across the room. There's nothing particularly wrong with it, it just isn't an overwhelmingly dynamic composition or… Read the rest of the article: Sci-Fi Sundays: Worlds of IF Science Fiction, August 1964
This is such a wonderful cover. The look on the lady's face, the ridiculous zero-G fighting, and the bullets in the ray-gun are all fantastic. As I was looking over all… Read the rest of the article: Sci-Fi Sundays: The Original Science Fiction Stories, March 1957
When I first picked up this issue of Worlds Of IF, I have to admit that I didn't have high hopes. This hodge-podge collage of a cover simply didn't instill… Read the rest of the article: Sci-Fi Sundays: Worlds of IF, March 1968
As usual, Analog always shines when it comes to cover art. They've got the fantastic Kelly Freas who supplied rich and colorful depictions for many years. On top of that,… Read the rest of the article: Sci-Fi Sundays: Analog, March 1969
Looking at the cover above, you might be tempted to assume that my scanning skills are waning. While it is true that sometimes an edge lifts, or the warped pages… Read the rest of the article: Sci-Fi Sundays: Galaxy, February 1965
This week I got a chance to un-pack this collection. I've had it for about 10 years now and it has been in boxes the whole time. Shelving The Big… Read the rest of the article: Sci-Fi Sundays: Amazing Science Fiction, April 1958
This issue of Worlds of IF, Science Fiction, commonly just referred to as IF Magazine has a peculiar cover. The white space almost makes this look like a reprint of… Read the rest of the article: Sci-Fi Sundays: Worlds Of If, January 1964
Welcome to Sci-Fi Sundays! I'm in my mid 30s and grew up steeped in science fiction. From as far back as I can remember, the books on my family bookshelf… Read the rest of the article: Sci-Fi Sundays: Analog Science Fiction, February 1970