Robert Ansell is the Director of Fulgur Press, which has published the work of esoteric artists for 20 years.

Robert Ansell is the Director of Fulgur Press, which has published the work of esoteric artists for 20 years.
David Kelley is the founder of IDEO and the Stanford I asked him about design, process and people—and what it takes to be good at all three.
Daniel Kottke lives and works in Palo Alto, Ca. Here, he talks about the genesis of his 1974 trip to India with Steve Jobs. Daniel Kottke was one of Apple's… Read the rest of the article: Searching for Magic in India and Silicon Valley: An Interview with Daniel Kottke, Apple Employee #12
Isaac Kehimkar is an avid naturalist and the author of The Book of Indian Butterflies Isaac's photostream of Indian Butterflies is at Flickr. Avi Solomon: What early influences drew you… Read the rest of the article: The Butterflies of India: An interview with Isaac Kehimkar
Lloyd Kahn is the editor-in-chief of Shelter Publications. His latest book is Tiny Homes: Scaling Back in the 21st Century. Avi Solomon: What do you see in your childhood that… Read the rest of the article: Making Shelter Simple: An Interview with Lloyd Kahn
Photo: Michelle Gray Kevin Kelly is a senior maverick for Wired magazine. Avi interviewed Kevin at his home in Pacifica.
Charley Miller is a game designer and producer based in New York City. Avi Solomon: Tell us a bit about yourself. Charley Miller: My name is Charley, I'm from Kentucky… Read the rest of the article: Game Design with Kids: An Interview with Charley Miller
Daniel L. Everett is Dean of Arts and Sciences at Bentley University. He is the author of Language: The Cultural Tool and the subject of the documentary A Grammar of… Read the rest of the article: The Grammar of Happiness: An Interview with Daniel Everett
Timothy Pachirat, Assistant Professor of Politics at The New School for Social Research and the author of Every Twelve Seconds, is not the first to see industrialized violence and political… Read the rest of the article: Working Undercover in a Slaughterhouse: an interview with Timothy Pachirat
Avinoam Danin is Professor Emeritus of Botany in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He curates Flora of Israel Online. His latest book… Read the rest of the article: The Botany of Bible Lands: An Interview with Prof. Avinoam Danin
Jaideep Varma is an author, filmmaker and professional cricket analyst working in India. Avi Solomon Tell us a bit about yourself. Jaideep Varma I was in advertising for 12 years… Read the rest of the article: Filmmaking in Bollywood's Shadow: An Interview with Jaideep Varma
Prof. Robert Sapolsky on Coping with Stress (Audio link) Photo Courtesy of Indiana University Robert Sapolsky is a Professor of Biological Sciences and Neurology at Stanford University. He is the… Read the rest of the article: Robert Sapolsky on Stress: An Interview
Photo: Eyal Ophir with his daughter Sahar, courtesy of the subject. Eyal Ophir was primary researcher on the pioneering Stanford Multitasking study. He now designs information interfaces for the browser… Read the rest of the article: Eyal Ophir on the Science of Multitasking
William O. Stephens is Professor of Philosophy and of Classical & Near Eastern Studies at Creighton University in Omaha, Nebraska. He plays tennis and chess, is a vegetarian, and tries… Read the rest of the article: Interview with a Stoic: William O. Stephens
Jack Zylkin created the USB Typewriter. I interviewed him about his creation, the response he's received, and why people are so interested in "the muggle magic of gears and pulleys… Read the rest of the article: Interview with a Maker: Jack Zylkin, USB Typewriter Guy
Photo: Poptech David Eagleman is a neuroscientist and author. Avi Solomon What fascinates you about the nature of time? David Eagleman We all go through life assuming that time is… Read the rest of the article: An interview with David Eagleman, neuroscientist
Photo: Anne Ghory-Goodman William Powers is the author of Hamlet’s BlackBerry. Avi Solomon First of all, I understand why you're having all these interviews because I think you've really touched… Read the rest of the article: An interview with William Powers, author of Hamlet's Blackberry
Michael Greer is a Bookbinder. I interviewed him to find out more about his unusual profession and his recent creation, the binary Genesis.
Col. Al Worden, an Engineer and Apollo 15 CMP, talk about the back side of the moon, the universe, and everything.
Laird Scranton is an independent software developer from Albany, New York. He is the author of several books and articles on African and Egyptian mythology and language. Avi Solomon: Who… Read the rest of the article: Interview: Laird Scranton