Artists worldwide to play "hide and seek" with mushroom art for "Game of Shrooms"

Game of Shrooms, that hide-and-seek/scavenger hunt for mushroom-themed art is happening again! It was started last year by Attaboy of Hi-Fructose and was such a huge success that he's doing…

Game of Shrooms, that hide-and-seek/scavenger hunt for mushroom-themed art is happening again! It was started last year by Attaboy of Hi-Fructose and was such a huge success that he's doing it again. To play, simply make an art piece inspired by mushrooms and then hide it, leaving clues on its location through your Instagram feed with the hashtag #gameofshrooms. Or, on game day, just go find art other people have hidden. It was supposed to all go down on June 13, but COVID changed that. So now on that date, artists will reveal their intention and location and actually play the game on August 15.

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important announcement about this year’s #GameofShrooms! Because of the current crisis, it’s best to postpone the world wide art show and scavenger hunt a few months. so! On June 13th I’d like to invite all participating artists to Announce their intentions and location so that a global map can be created for all Shroom hunters. On August 15th: The Shroom Drop Happens (where it is safe to do so). It kills me to me the event date but it’s best to be on the safe side, right? Meanwhile, please keep posting preview photos of your creations, tagging #gameofshrooms so that we can follow along. Come august, the world may need a world wide art show and event to reset our perspective, no? Thank you to all and please keep sending me what you are working on. What I’ve seen is fantastic. Best, Atta Ps feel free to customize image above with your own art. Just get the dates right:) #geocaching #art #scavengerhuny #mushrooms #hifructose #streetart

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Here's a look at some of last year's art:

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✨🍄FREE ART GIVEAWAY!🍄✨ I will be hiding this original sculpture somewhere in Los Angeles on Saturday June 15th, in conjunction with @attayumfactory ‘s #GameOfShrooms #ShroomDrop. Normally a handmade piece of mine at this size retails in the thousands. I know not everyone can afford an original so I’m giving one away for free! You just have to find it… pick it up… and the piece is yours. Follow my Instagram (@jimmckenzie) this Saturday at 12PM EST for clues on it’s whereabouts. Here’s one clue to start you off: “That’s all folks.” Alright guys, HAPPY HUNTING!✨🤗 – #mushroom #shroom #art #artscavengerhunt #scavengerhunt #jimmckenzie #LA #hifructose #hifructosemag @hifructosemag #losangeles #sculpture #sculpting #cyclops #characterart #characterdesign #process #giveaway

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P.S. You don't have to be an established artist to join in. In fact, I'll be making something mushroom-y to hide this year.