Our friend Attaboy’s got a fun(gi) art happening in the works called “Game of Shrooms.” You can play, no matter where you are, and, no, it’s not a drug-related activity.…
Our friend Attaboy’s got a fun(gi) art happening in the works called “Game of Shrooms.” You can play, no matter where you are, and, no, it’s not a drug-related activity. You can make mushroom art, find mushroom art, or both! Artists from all over the world have already signed up.
“#shroomdrop is June 15th! It is open to ALL artists everywhere…
1. Make painting or sculpture or other art. If you are doing little paintings, I find it is best to add little popsicle sticks to bottom of them in the back so that the art doesn’t get dirty if placed near the ground.
2. Post preview teasers if you like.
3. Put your IG tag on the back and #shroomdrop #gameofshrooms if you can.
4. Plant or place art. Don’t hurt nature or property. If it rains, you Can hide inside friendly Indy stores as well…
5. After you plant, take a few photo clues to post. I suggest a close up, then a wide shot, with a landmark of some kind visible (old church, sign post, etc) location tag helps if you are in a suburban area. Don’t hurt nature or property.
6. Oh and be sure to hide it/them on June 15th!”
Tetris de cartón pic.twitter.com/Ei9sOBuNcl — Becario en Hoth (@becarioenhoth) July 1, 2020 I saw this video the other day of a man and child playing "analog Tetris" and I… READ THE REST
A hacker is accused of bribing an employee of the game Roblox and gaining access that allowed the hacker to see user account info, reset passwords, and grant virtual in-game… READ THE REST
Sorry, I mean the "Inflatable Outdoor Color Dot Game." This Twister-like game by Hammacher Schlemmer can hold up to 1,500 pounds — meaning you and your posse can all play… READ THE REST
We all know vital information about ourselves and our private digital accounts can be compromised by cybercriminals. However, many would be frightened to know just how compromised they and their… READ THE REST
While mosquitoes have certainly earned their title as the deadliest animal on earth, their impact on most of our lives is usually a lot less consequential. But even though they… READ THE REST
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