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How artist Refik Anadol uses AI to create hypnotic art installations

How This Guy Uses A.I. to Create Art | Obsessed | WIRED

Artist Refik Anadol, who has appeared on Boing Boing before, designs dreamy installations using artificial intelligence. Some of them he calls ‘data paintings.’

Anadol manipulates large collections of data and develops machine learning algorithms to create these trippy, immersive art installations. They’re beautiful.

The video above is a new profile of Refik Anadol’s work by WIRED.

If you haven’t yet, go subscribe to Wired on YouTube. Good videos.

You can experience Anadol’s work live, right now in New York City through February 2, 2020, at Artechouse NYC.

Go see Anadol’s installations in person, or learn more about them online:

Machine Hallucination at Artechouse NYC (now through February 2020)

WDCH Dreams (Los Angeles, archived, performance took place in 2018)

Winds of Boston (archived)

• Melting Memories (archived)


Watch Archive Dreaming, a mind-bending immersive dive into data visualization (By Andrea James, 2018)

[Thanks, Wonbo!]

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