Power outage coffee: using Stanley's camping French Press at home

During a recent power outage, deprived of espresso, I was lucky to have a Stanley French Press on hand. When the power went out at 3am and the various squeal…

During a recent power outage, deprived of espresso, I was lucky to have a Stanley French Press on hand.

When the power went out at 3am and the various squeal of whatever the hell devices squeal when electricity disappears (smoke detectors?) woke the dogs, my night's sleep was shot. The road was flooded, power was out, and my espresso machine a useless block of stainless steel. Tea was not going to provide the miracle I needed.

I still did not wish I had an Aeropress. They are just fine, but not what I choose.

In my camping gear, I keep a hand grinder and a Stanley French Press. I braved the rain and fetched it from my VW camper.

The super sturdy thermos-type shell of the Stanley keeps coffee drinkable for 2-3 hours. Long ago I tired of breaking glass French Press carafes. Slightly smaller than a full 12-cup pot of coffee, one of these is pretty much my morning as a solo adult camper with the kid in tow. At home, with two bored dogs and a cat that wished the dogs were not bored, I went through quite a few pots waiting on PGE.

Stanley Classic Vacuum French Press, 48 oz, Hammertone Green via Amazon