Watch this master swordsman slice a speeding baseball in two

まさに神技!“平成の侍”町井勲が時速160kmのボールを真っ二つに!ノーカット配信! Modern Samurai Isao Machii

まさに神技!“平成の侍”町井勲が時速160kmのボールを真っ二つに!ノーカット配信! Modern Samurai Isao Machii Watch this video on YouTube. Isao Machii is a Iaido master from Kawanishi, Hyōgo, Japan. His skills as a master swordsman have landed him a…

Isao Machii is a Iaido master from Kawanishi, Hyōgo, Japan. His skills as a master swordsman have landed him a number of Guinness World Records: fastest tennis ball (820 km/h) cut by sword and "fastest 1,000 martial arts sword cuts" to name just two.

His speed and accuracy with a katana is a thing of wonder. Put on display once again in this video, after watching two speeding baseballs whiz past him, he non-nonchalantly cuts a third ball in half, fired at him at 161 kilometers per hour. Amazing.