Teachers on four continents stage mass strikes

In the USA, there are tens of thousands of teachers in open rebellion, in Oklahoma, West Virginia, Arizona, Kentucky, and things are heating up in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Iowa and Colorado.…

In the USA, there are tens of thousands of teachers in open rebellion, in Oklahoma, West Virginia, Arizona, Kentucky, and things are heating up in Pennsylvania, Illinois, Iowa and Colorado.

Teachers in Algeria staged a month-long strike earlier this year and are getting ready to walk out again, and in next-door Tunisia, teachers just staged a one-day walkout.

In Argentina, teachers are building a permanent teachers' "white tent" city to continue a two-day national strike; teachers in Uruguay just walked out for 24 hours; 16,000 teachers in Chihuahua, Mexico walked out last week, joining teachers' strikes in Oaxaca, Chiapas, and Michoacán. Teachers are also striking in Brazil and Venezuela.

Tens of thousands of French teachers walked out on Mar 22, Scottish teachers are about to strike, and UK wide, higher ed teachers are refusing to certify as sellout deal struck by their cowardly leadership.

Teachers across the world confront the same enemies: governments that cut wages, pensions, and education funding to boost the profits of the banks and corporations, and servile trade unions that isolate strikes and force workers to place their trust in the same capitalist political parties responsible for the attack on public education. Teachers’ greatest strength lies in linking with their coworkers, and the working class more broadly, across the world in a united fight to secure the social right to education with a good income and fully funded pensions for every teacher on earth.

Teachers’ rebellion spreads on four continents,/a> [Eric London/World Socialists]

(via Naked Capitalism)