UK's Boris Johnson 'improving,' has COVID-19, remains in intensive care

Boris Johnson’s condition is improving after two nights on oxygen support in intensive care, and the British Prime Minister can now sit up in bed and talk with hospital staff,…

Boris Johnson’s condition is improving after two nights on oxygen support in intensive care, and the British Prime Minister can now sit up in bed and talk with hospital staff, said the UK's finance minister Rishi Sunak Wednesday.

The 55-year-old British leader has not been put on a mechanical ventilator.

From Reuters:

“The latest from the hospital is that the prime minister remains in intensive care where his condition is improving,” Sunak said at a daily government coronavirus news conference.

“I can also tell you that he has been sitting up in bed and been engaging positively with the clinical team.”

Later, Downing Street issued a brief statement, expected to be the last update on Johnson’s condition until Thursday. “The Prime Minister continues to make steady progress. He remains in intensive care,” it said.

Read more:
UK's Johnson 'improving' as he fights COVID-19 in intensive care