Collapsible wooden seat parametrically designed via implicit programming

SWISH by Carlo Ratti Associati

SWISH by Carlo Ratti Associati Watch this video on YouTube. SWISH is a lovely portable stool created by feeding inputs into design software and seeing what the software generated. Carlo…

SWISH is a lovely portable stool created by feeding inputs into design software and seeing what the software generated. Carlo Ratti Associati debuted this prototype at Milan Design Week 2017.

Via their site:

Swish is a new prototype, challenging the traditional stool concept.

Most of the CNC furniture has a rigid feel. Not the case of Swish, a birch plywood prototype of a sinuous and dynamic stool. Its assembly is simply obtained by interlocking the components, without the need for additional hardware. Swish is the winner of Back to Stool design competition, held during the 2016 Milan Design Week and organized by MioCugino workshop, whose goals are the development and diffusion of open source design.

When its legs are open they describe a sinuous surface, but Swish is movable: it can be folded in few seconds, with a swish. Swish continues an exploration – present in various projects carried out over the years by Carlo Ratti Associati – through objects and architectures that can change and adapt their shape to different functions.

Swish is produced with CNC machines and its design is totally open source and ready for open making. Download it here (Note: .dxf file).

Probably not the best seat for nudists, who will likely get griddle marks on their butts and possibly a nasty pinch if they sat on it.

SWISH by Carlo Ratti Associati (YouTube / Carlo Ratti Associati)